Faith Statement

1)  We have been created by the sovereign almighty GOD, who is actively working in and around us today, creating tomorrow's future.

  1. It is GOD who changes us to birth joy, purpose, and strength, by rescuing our hearts and saving our souls.
  2. It is GOD who inspires us to accept HIS purposes, priorities, and principles as our own.
  3. It is GOD who enables us to contribute to HIS plans, through prayer and service.


GOD is like a father who’s children ask him, “Papa, can we stay up late and watch the fireworks tonight?”  And then, after time and consideration, the father says, “Yes, we can stay up late and watch the fireworks, but first we are all going to take naps…”


This is not a Hollywood movie—the father is not predicting events that have already happened somewhere outside of space and time.  And the father is not just predicting the future, he is determining the future!  He has power and authority to turn plans into reality.  This is the power of creation.  And we serve GOD THE CREATOR—not a god who once created (past tense).  This is how the future is written!  GOD is a caring father who is able and willing to incorporate our desires into HIS plans, HIS foreknowledge, so that we can work together with a unified purpose to see HIS plans unfold into the perfection that HE has predetermined! cf. Isaiah 46:10


2)  Depravity and exile:

  1. We were born guilty and defiled, having inherited a corrupt nature and a bad heart.
  2. We chose to reject GOD, and were personally responsible for choosing to walk away from GOD in sin and darkness.


3)  The Means of Salvation: Christ has offered forgiveness & enabled repentance.

  1. Christ's sacrifice has paid the debt of our sin, to free us from the wrath of GOD.
  2. Christ's triumph over death has broken the bonds of sinfulness, giving us freedom to repent and walk in God's light.


4)  Salvation is both a calling and a choice.

  1. We did not choose to inherit a corrupt nature and heart, and we did not choose to be rescued by GOD --> GOD chose us.
  2. Just as GOD has chosen us, we must now choose GOD --> and if we do not choose to follow GOD we will perish.


GOD is like a father who lifts up his child, so that the child can put the star of Bethlehem on top of the Christmas Tree, and says: "Yay!  You did it!  I am so proud of you!  It is beautiful :- )."  GOD gives us meaning in sharing HIS purposes, joy in sharing HIS experiences, and glory in sharing HIS credit...  GOD provides all the inspiration and does all the heavy lifting so that HIS children can obey and receive credit for what is otherwise impossible...  We choose to obey because GOD enables us… cf. Philippians 2:13


5)  Salvation: New Birth and Adoption through the death, burial, and resurrection of JESUS:

  1. Our old self passes away, and our old desires are buried with Christ.
  2. We are given new life through Christ, with a fresh heart that loves GOD and is sickened by sin.
  3. We are born again into GOD's family, with an inheritance purchased by CHRIST's righteousness.


6)  Repentance and Baptism: in Water, in the HOLY SPIRIT, and in Fire

  1. The spiritual immersion of baptismal repentance is the practice of dying to the flesh and burying those things which entangle and pull us in the wrong direction--so that we might rise up in obedience to JESUS.
  2. Spiritually rising up out of the waters of baptism is new obedient life, cleansed and sanctified by the Blood of JESUS, with gifts and fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT that grow through continual and frequent showers of baptismal sprinkling.
  3. The spiritual fires of baptism are the fiery trials and tribulations which burn away impurities, revealing the beauty within that gives praise, honor, and glory to JESUS. 
  4. In the practice of water baptism, we bear witness: (1) to a testimony of repentance into new a new life that is growing in sanctification and spiritual fruit, and (2) to a commitment to follow and serve JESUS through the fiery trials of life.


7)  Confirmation of the Holy Spirit:

  1. We are to continue in examining ourselves to see if we are in the faith and bearing fruit.
  2. The Holy Spirit confirms our regeneration and our place in the family of GOD directly, and through the fruits of the SPIRIT.


Our emotions have a purpose.  That purpose is not to judge what others have done, or to judge what we should do.  You can punch me in the nose, but you can't make me feel angry or sad--it is the focus of my own heart that will determine what emotions I feel when I am affected by what goes on around me.  Our emotions are simply the way that our heart communicates to our mind--so that we can become consciously aware of our subconscious focus.  This allows us to take a step back (when emotion wells up within us) and evaluate our focus.  Through the discipline of re-adjusting our focus, we can harness our emotions & bring them into greater alignment & harmony with the reality of GOD's purposes... cf. Psalms 42-43




8)  Our Purpose in the Kingdom of Heaven:

  1. We are to be images of CHRIST, living as witnesses to HIS mark in our lives and to HIS purpose in saving the world.
  2. We are to be imagers for GOD, sanctifying the world according to GOD's plan, so that the whole earth reflects HIS glory.
  3. We are to be vessels of the HOLY SPIRIT, in all things living in, under, and flowing from the power and direction of GOD.


9)  Growing a Personal Relationship with GOD:

  1. Having been spiritually reborn, we can see the reality and significance of life with GOD in the Kingdom of Heaven.
  2. Having been spiritually reborn, we can choose to live according to the value of life with JESUS in the Kingdom of Heaven.


In Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Gospel of John, JESUS intimates that understanding the physical world, is a stepping stone to understanding the spiritual world (the kingdom of heaven).  This is a big reason why JESUS often says "Such is the Kingdom of Heaven" when telling parables.  Understanding we gain here on earth can be planted spiritually, to grow fruit in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Understanding can come into our hearts and minds from many places (good and bad), but understanding only becomes personal knowledge if it is tested & proven trustworthy.  Understanding that comes from GOD can ALWAYS be proven trustworthy.  The process of gaining understanding from GOD and testing it through personal application to grow knowledge is called WISDOM.


Information can come from books, but knowledge only comes through application & testing.  If we are listening (when reading the Bible, singing hymns, praying and meditating, listening to exhortation, etc.) the HOLY SPIRIT will speak understanding into our hearts and minds & provide the means to test that understanding in our own lives -> so that knowledge, personal knowledge of GOD will grow in our hearts and minds.  cf. Hosea 4:6a, Malachi 3:10, John 2:23-3:21


10)  Judgement: Life or Death

  1. All Heaven and Earth will be judged according to GOD's will.
  2. Those who live as GODs children in the Kingdom of Heaven, live everlasting lives of eternal joy and purpose.
  3. Those who reject GOD and live as children of darkness, will be condemned to eternal death and judgement.


11)  The Witness and Testimony of Baptism:

  1. Baptism is a witness and testimony to be enacted as often and for as many people as is justified by the Spirit in each situation.
  2. Baptism is a witness and testimony that can be symbolized through sprinkling, dipping, immersion, and other cleansing rituals. 
  3. Just as we witness GOD testifying to HIS truth in multiple ways, it is beneficial for us to express baptism in a multiple ways.
  4. The witness & testimony of baptism is for accountability and unity and edification.  Arguments over the "best" or "only" acceptable expressions of baptism distract from these purposes.  


12)  The Witness and Testimony of The LORD's Supper (the Passover Seder)

  1. A body is a purpose defining collection.  Our purpose is defined by CHRIST (by who HE is and what HE does).  This is what we proclaim and bear witness to when we share the bread of CHRIST during the LORD's Supper.  It is a proclamation and declaration and a commitment to which we will be held accountable.
  2. Who we are and what we do in CHRIST, our shared life in the body of CHRIST, is through the atoning blood of JESUS.  When we share in the cup of CHRIST (HIS life / purpose : experience of trials of joy and suffering) we pledge obedience to JESUS through the sanctification (cleansing and renewal) of the SPIRIT by HIS blood through shared trials of joy and suffering.
  3. Passover itself is a testimony to both of these things (body & blood / purpose & experience)…  for GOD chooses to work with us (despite the greater difficulty & because of the greater difficulty) because HE desires shared purpose, experience, and glory.  Thus we share GOD's purpose, experience, and glory in the body of CHRIST through the blood of JESUS, the lamb of GOD.
  4. Passover also exemplifies the difficulties found sharing in who GOD is and what HE does.  It is through greater difficulty, plagues, and tribulation that we are enriched on our journey into the promised land.  In sharing the bread and cup we bear witness to our commitment to carrying out the completion of CHRISTS sufferings -> that the world might be saved.